The A-Word.M.Dr. Mohammed Saleh Abdali / dean of the Technical Institute of architecture

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على افضل الخلق سيدنا محمد وآله الطيبين الطاهرين واصحابه المنتجبين.
Welcome to the website of the Technical Institute/architecture, one of the formations of the Southern Technical University, which is considered one of the oldest institutions of higher education and scientific research in Maysan governorate. The technical / architecture institute was established in 1979 and receives graduates of Secondary Education in its scientific and literary branches, in addition to graduates of vocational preparatory courses of both sexes. We are keen to follow the principles of quality in all activities of the Institute and the acquisition of scientific and technical novelties and their application to advance the scientific and applied reality of the student through the development of laboratories and providing them with modern equipment. The principle of our work is based on teamwork, the spirit of cooperation, rewarding the entrepreneur and encouraging the creation of a scientific environment that keeps pace with global developments. We believe in the importance of parental care and guidance by our staff towards our students and provide protection for them, and at the same time we demand that our children respect the laws and oblige them to them. We are committed to preparing a conscious generation armed with science and ethics to be a good building block in society.
Our institute seeks to extend bridges of communication with civil society organizations to provide career-related development courses such as resume writing courses, job interview skills, and others.the institute also tries to keep in touch with its graduates through the recruitment unit and seeks to be present in important forums of interest to students and teachers.
We work to serve the community and openness to the field of work by providing consultations through the consulting office or conducting structural and electrical tests in our laboratories equipped with the latest equipment and calibration by the central agency for Standardization and quality control. In addition to holding courses for various departments of the state for the purpose of capacity building. Our institute is in constant development, where we are developing scientific departments in line with the requirements of the field of work to provide the province and the country with the youth energies it needs to contribute to building the nation, as well as changing the current curricula periodically to keep pace with rapid scientific progress.
Finally, we are working hard to create a beautiful university environment through the establishment of green squares, and we ask God that this institute remain a beacon of Science and knowledge with the cooperation of all those in charge and that it be a tributary of community service in our dear country and may God grant success and repayment.