Under the auspices of the dean of the Technical Institute, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Saleh Abdul Ali, the division of artistic and cultural activities, in cooperation with the holy shrine of Husseiniya, the Hawra Zeinab authority and the Directorate of youth and sports in Maysan, organized a seminar entitled (( violation of human rights during the time of the former regime)), delivered by the servant of Imam Hussein, Prof. Dr. Saad al-Din al-Banna, in which he touched on the most important violations that occurred during the dictatorial regime and the crimes committed against our people, pointing out the need to inform the current generation about these crimes and thanks to the Deanship of the Institute for hosting this seminar.
For his part, the dean of the Institute welcomed the delegation of the holy shrine of husseiniyya, offering his appreciation and gratitude to the chairman and members of the shrine delegation for this initiative.
The seminar was attended by Dr. Abbas Abdul Zahra, director of sports and youth of Maysan, a number of intellectuals and writers of the province and a large gathering of professors and students of the Institute.